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Dan Chin Homes Foundation Accepting Applications to Support Local Families


Dan Chin Homes Foundation Accepting Applications to Support Local Families

Dan Chin

Dan Chin, Team Leader & Sales Director of Dan Chin Homes, has been a longstanding leader in the Madison area business community...

Dan Chin, Team Leader & Sales Director of Dan Chin Homes, has been a longstanding leader in the Madison area business community...

Sep 7 5 minutes read

By achieving its #mission150 for 2018, Dan Chin Homes has committed to providing one year of need-based financial support to cover housing costs.

McFARLAND, WIS. — In their mission to give back to the McFarland community and support individuals in need, Dan Chin Homes is proud to announce it is now accepting applications to provide families and individuals with financial support for their housing needs.

“When I moved into the field of real estate, I always said if we ever had the means, we wanted to give back to our community and help people in need out of our profits,” says Dan Chin, president of Dan Chin Homes. “That time has come.”

Any individual or family within the McFarland School District that is experiencing some sort of financial hardship, regardless of reason, is invited to apply; families and individuals in need can also be nominated by family, friends and community members. Fully funded by company profits, Dan Chin Homes, through its recently launched nonprofit Dan Chin Homes Foundation, has committed mortgage or rent support for up to 12 months. This support may be split among multiple families or individuals. 

“Through our conversations with board and community members, we have learned how just covering one month of rent or mortgage payments can make a huge impact for individuals and families in need,” says Meg Chin, executive director of the Dan Chin Homes Foundation and the company’s director of operations. “Our original plan was to provide a years’ worth of housing payments for one individual or family, but we’ll see what applications we receive, and the board may make the decision to help multiple families for shorter periods to better serve the needs of the McFarland community.”

There are two phases to the application process. The Dan Chin Homes Foundation board will review the initial applications, and then conduct interviews with selected applicants. Initial applications will be accepted through the end of October, and families and individuals who are chosen for support will be notified at the end of year.

Board members of the Dan Chin Homes Foundation include McFarland residents Chris Ochalla, Amy Pigott, Mike Beam and Brooke Ecker. The creation of the Foundation supports the company’s commitment to #mission150, as the profits from selling 150 homes in a single year is what is needed to make the annual housing awards possible.

Meg Chin has lived in McFarland for more than 15 years, and the couple moved the Dan Chin Homes office to McFarland from Monona in October 2017. The Chins are dedicated to the McFarland community and supporting local needs, seen and unseen.

“We are grateful to be part of the community and to give back in a significant way. Many people likely don’t realize that there are kids in our school district who are homeless right now,” says Dan Chin. “If we can do anything to prevent or alleviate this for an existing family, that would be extremely rewarding.”

Adds Meg Chin: “There is a ton of mission in this job. This is just a start for us and a really great start. We have a desire to continue and do even more to support this community. This is the community we live in and raise our kids in - we care about it very much.”

The application will be available online at Staff will also be providing information during the Family Fest Parade on Sunday, Sept. 16.


Founded in 2013, Dan Chin Homes has found success by listening to its customers needs and implementing innovative marketing strategies. With a team of 10 based in McFarland, Dan Chin Homes is currently the #1 ranked real estate team serving the McFarland area and has been voted Best of McFarland in 2016 and 2017. Dan Chin Homes is ranked #7 for sold volume out of more than 2,500 Realtors in the South Central Wisconsin MLS and is the top producing agent team for Inventure Realty Group, a Madison-based real estate brokerage. Through its nonprofit Dan Chin Homes Foundation, the company is dedicated to help local families in need. #mission150

Contact: Dan Chin, [email protected], (608) 438-2600
Company logo, photos available upon request

How to apply.

Any individual or family within the McFarland School District that is experiencing financial hardship, regardless of reason, is invited to apply. Families and individuals in need can also be nominated by family, friends, and community members. Click below to download the application.

Download Application