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Monthly Market Update

MLS Real Estate Hack

Whether you are an agent, you're buying or selling a home.... you want to make sure to employ this strategy to ensure the best possible outcome

"We tried to sell the house several times."

Milly and her family had been wanting to sell their home for years. Their primary mission? Achieving a better life with more opportunities for them and their children. 

They tried selling their home with 7 other realtors, each time with no success. 

When Milly first spoke to Dan Chin Homes, she didn't have much faith left in real estate agents. "Pretty much all the other realtors just came and put the sign right in the yard, and that was it." Her and her family have spent years trying to sell, and they had been burnt out by the process.

"They treated us like family"

Ali and Andrew were looking for a new home to fit their growing family. Hear about their journey and how they were able to successfully and easily navigate multiple offers on their home while purchasing a new construction home in an unpredictable real estate market. Read their full story here.


Sell your home with us

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